Entomology Worktable- Pitch and Development

Early R&D, Combining Ideas.


9/10/20231 min read

As for my second senior project, I was looking to demonstrate my skills in something that I am most passionate about. I find myself drawing close to digital sculpting and texturing- especially organic matters, and bringing them to life. I wanted my final project in SCAD to be something that I could have a lot of fun and passion about.

To narrow down the subject and spread the idea further, I had three criteria that I wanted my project to include.

  1. A subject that the main object would be an organic matter- animal, imaginary creature, statue, etc.

  2. A subject that I could challenge myself when it comes to texturing and shading

  3. A subject that I could place in an indoor environment

After brainstorming and filtering various ideas, I decided to simulate the workspace of an entomologist, especially where they taxidermy insects and invertebrates.

I gathered images in Pinterest to have a mood board for the final visual and brainstorming.

Keywords that I used for narrowing down the aesthetic were entomology, dark academia, curiosity cabinet, workbench, pagan & witchcraft.

I am currently brainstorming more to push the idea further, as to implement some background story and narrative onto the environment. As soon as I confirm the idea, I plan to start this project by drawing a sketch of the room layout.

To keep my idea organized and be able to communicate my idea more effectively, I put together a pdf file that includes the pitch of my project.