Entomology Table- Who is the desk owner?
Adding character & Developing Concept
9/13/20232 min read
There is a saying that goes by 'You can know the person by looking at their desk'. The desk could be a very personal workspace, as it is somewhere that we could spend hours of our day sitting in front and focusing on the task. Conceptualizing the desk full of insects, I started to wonder what the story might this environment tell the audience. I came up with some questions that I could ask myself to better figure out the owner of the desk, followed by answers to each of them.
Q: How old is the desk owner?
A: Around 10-13
Q: How do they identify themselves as(gender)?
A: Does not matter(would not directly show in the piece)
Q: When is this?
A: Late 19th century - early 20th century.
Q: What would be their status of wealth?
A: Rich.
Q: Are they a professional entomologist? Or are they doing insect taxidermy as a hobby?
A: hobbyist, also a bit sloppy because they are young
Q: What is the motive of insect collection?
A: Curiosity. I see that children are often more daring and easily tempted to relieve their curiosity, which often drives them to fall deep into the 'rabbit hole' of certain hobbies.
Q: Would they like to show the work that they have done to other people? Why and why not?
A: I think they might be showing stuff in the open that their parents might enjoy watching, but the rest is hidden inside the cabinet or sort.
Q: Are they clean, or are they messy?
A: Messy. Does not put equipment back in place and does not throw rubbish in time
Q: Do they get easily bored?
A: Yes. Their mind wanders very quickly
Q: Who do you think made this environment?
A: Parents, so I think the furniture might be something sophisticated.
I think these questions helped define the situation and characteristics of the desk owner- thus, helping me imagine the environment better.
The equipment (tongs, pins, etc.) would be scattered around the desk. Some litters like candy wrappers as well, would be rolling around the edge of the desk.
Nice furniture, but antique style to match the time
Wants to hide work, probably something that will shock their parents. Fused insects?
Collects insects and also different insect parts
Does not make perfect taxidermy, because they are amateur and young
Usually puts normal taxidermy and equipment out, fused insects inside the cabinet- but should be open to show us
Chair pulled back
I plan to develop this idea further by drawing a quick layout for the desk and constructing a schedule for my project further.